Monday, December 7, 2009

Hide the infopath form banner "Powered by infopath form services"

After the publishing the infopath form in the SharePoint Site. You will find a banner called "Powered by infopath form services" in at the bottom of infopath form.

Blow command explains how to customize the form banner-

Remove banner:
stsadm.exe -o setformserviceproperty -pn allowbranding -pv false

Add banner:
stsadm.exe -o setformserviceproperty -pn allowbranding -pv true

To check the weather the banner is set or not
stsadm.exe -o getformserviceproperty -pn allowbranding

hope this helps you very much.


Anonymous said...

Think you missed an "S" on the command name, the :
stsadm -o setformSserviceproperty -pn allowbranding -pv false


electronic signature said...

"I was searching for commands to Hide the infopath form banner Powered by infopath form services
It really helps specially the command to check whether banner is set or not
stsadm.exe -o getformserviceproperty -pn allow branding

As testing is always important"